"Let The Magic Begin"

Les Miserables Backdrop Rental
Prices are per week and do not include shipping ($50 per
full-sized drop or two tabs.) Return shipping is the responsibility of the renter. For more information and reservations, email Stephanie.Arrigotti@wnc.edu

Completed looks using a combination of drops. Discounts for renting 36' combination. Individual drops listed below.
The following drops and tabs work together to form the Paris Scene, Montreul Scene, Courtroom Scene and Barricade Scene

The SR House (5.6 wide x 15 tall), together with the CR House form the SR side of the drops. $125/week.

The CR House (7.3 wide x 15 tall), together with the SR House form the SR side of the drops. $125/week.

The SL buildings to complete the above looks. 16' wide x 15' tall $200/week

The center piece of the complete Paris drop is 8 wide x 15 tall. $125/week

The Factory Center drop to complete the Factory look is 7.75 wide x 15 tall. $125/week

8' wide x 15' tall Alley. Used in "Look Down" and the barricade scene. $125/week

Two 8'w x 15't rock walls $100/each per week

The center Courtroom drop is 12' wide x 15' tall. $150/week, without podium fabric or $150/week with podium fabric

Front of podium "fabric" 8.3 wide x 9 tall corresponds with the center Courtroom drop. $100/week with the center Courtroom drop.

Arch & Column backdrop used in the wedding scene. 36'w x 15't. $350/week

Paris Combination Includes: SR House (5.6'w x 15't) $125/wk CR House (7.3'w x 15't) $125/wk SL House (16'w x 15't) $200/wk Paris Center (8'w x 15't) $125/wk Discount any 36' combination in this set: $400

Montreul Combination Includes: SR House (5.6'w x 15't) $125/week CR House (7.3'w x 15't) $125/week SL House (16'w x 15't) $200/week Factory Center (7.75x15) Discount: rent any 36' combination in this set: $400

"Barricade" Combination Includes: SR House (5.6'w x 15't) $125/wk CR House (7.3'w x 15't) $125/wk SL House (16'w x 15't) $200/wk Alley Center (8'w x 15't) $125/wk Rock Walls (8'w x 15't) 2 rock walls flank the alley $125/each per week Discount: Any 36' wide combination in this set: $400

Courtroom Combination Includes: SR House (5.6'w x 15't) $125/wk CR House (7.3'w x 15't) $125/wk SL House (16'w x 15't) $200/wk Courtroom Center (13'w x 15't) $150/wk Courtroom Podium Cover (8.3'w x 9't) Fabric to match drop $50/wk *Lighting on stage dimmed on the side buildings to focus on the courtroom in the center Discount: Any 36' wide combination of drops in this set: $400