"Let The Magic Begin"

WNMTC binder
Complimentary passes to all shows
Complimentary wine and refreshments
Advance purchase of season tickets
Tickets mailed on request without fees
Be a Member
What better way to improve our community than through the performing arts? It is our business to touch the hearts of audiences. If we don’t, the audiences don’t return! But for WNMTC, they do return - again and again! By sponsoring our program, you are enabling us to move to the next level by:
Meeting the ever-rising production expenses of the shows while keeping ticket prices affordable for our residents.
Providing scholarships in the arts to company performers.
Staying current with latest theatrical technology
Enlarging the scope of advertising to draw more audiences to the performances.
Choosing one of four sponsorship levels will make you part of the flourishing arts scene in Carson City. And we have many ways to thank you for your generosity.
• WNMTC gift
• Complimentary wine and refreshments
• Complimentary passes for you and your guests to all shows with first option to select seats
• WNMTC gift
• Complimentary wine and snacks for four
• Second group to access advance show tickets
• Complimentary snacks for four
• Third group to access advance show tickets
Program Listing
Choosing one of the four sponsorship levels will make you a part of the flourishing arts scene in Carson City. To make a tax-deductible donation, click here.