"Let The Magic Begin"

Advertise With Us
Support Western Nevada Musical Theatre Company and promote your business at the same time!
WNMTC offers businesses the opportunity to advertise in each of our main stage productions produced each season. With each production drawing as many as 6000 or more patrons, we hand out a program to each audience member as they walk in the door. In addition to reviewing the contents prior to the show and during intermissions, many of our audience members keep their program as a souvenir – meaning your advertisement is being seen well after the production closes.
By placing an advertisement in our programs, you will reach a diverse audience from all areas of Northern Nevada and beyond who represent all ethnic and economic backgrounds. Studies show that when given a choice, people will support businesses that support the arts.
We offer a variety of advertising spaces in our program. Please see the ad sizes and rates details for more information. You can submit camera ready artwork, a pre-designed graphic file, or you can arrange to have us design an advertisement for you. As an added bonus, you can also choose to increase your visibility even further by having your company's ad and web site link added to our WNMTC web site. Call 775.445.4249 for more info!